ETI Dental Industries Company is a family business starts operating in the
dental industry since 1940. The breakthrough in the production of dental
equipment made in 1975 when U.S. companies began producing
pneumatic equipment. Then ETI started to produce pneumatic equipment
while the most European companies continue to produce complicated
electrical equipment.
The Quality of service and quality equipment supply of spare parts is the
secret to success of the company. ETI Dental Industries is committed to
providing each part of the dental equipment produced by it even if it was
20 years ago.
ETI professionals can help immediately to each client to get the best for
his clinic. For a Client that opens a new clinic we offering planning
services that will be agronomic and flow able, Plus monitoring the
implementation of infrastructure. Our Web site pamphlets the opening
stages of dental clinic and offering catalogs that contain information of the
equipment types.
ETI Dental Industries is an importer of supplemental equipment such as
Compressors, Suctions engines, X-rays, Amalgamators, Light Cure,
cabinets, turbines, lamps with long-term reliable service.
ETI Dental Industries gives 3 years warranty for all products which
produces by it.
We invite dentists that interested of buying equipment, to contact us and
check our offers and solutions for they every need.
ETI Dental Industries
Kishon 16 St’, Bney – brak, Israel
Tel: 00-972-3-5799760
Fax: 00-972-3-5799758